In this class we will take a hands on journey to discover the path the alpaca fleece will travel from the alpaca, after shearing day, all the way through the processing steps to become a scarf.
Location: Quarry Critters Alpaca Ranch – Littlestown, PA
Cost: $170. when you bring your own spinning wheel or purchase of a Kromski Spinning wheel from QCAR
Instructor: Julie Wysong, alpaca ranch owner
A special class called “Let’s Grow an Alpaca Scarf “
You will have the opportunity to purchase a 2024 alpaca fleece from one of our very special alpacas and at a 20% discount.
Then we will process your fleece in class with hands on experience and continue the journey, all the way to knitting the scarf. Some fiber processing experience is necessary. Should you want to learn skills before class sign up for individual classes. Learn to Fiber Charactersitics, carding, dye, spinning ; you can take a class prior to this journey class.
Please bring your motivation to learn and plan to have fun. You are welcome to bring your own supplies. Should you need supplies from QCAR we will have them available for you at a special discount and really appreciate your business.
Here’s what we will do in this class:
*First class- we will adopt an alpaca. That means you will visit with your alpaca at the beginning of each class. You can take pictures, ask questions, learn to halter, walk it and learn some fun facts about alpacas. Also on the first session you will purchase the fleece from your adopted alpaca. Alpacas fleece with Grade 1-2 cost $2.75 per oz. Grade 3 -4 fleece cost $2.00 per oz. An alpaca fleece weighs from 3 – 5 lbs. We will process the fleece together, wash, dye(demonstration), card, spin fibers to make yarn, and use your handmade yarn to knit your own scarf. You will need at least 8 oz to make your finished project.
Here are some special discounts & offers for class participates with paid class fee. and are currently enrolled in, “Let’s Grow an Alpaca Scarf”, will be eligible
Supplies needed: (qualify for 10% Discount )
Supplies to card: choose hand carders, bring your own drum carder, combs or flicker (like a dog brush). Each carding device will be described in class. Kromski Hand carders and Flickers are available for sale at QCAR Alpaca Gift Shop. We recommend fine teeth 108 points for alpaca fiber.
Supplies to Spin fiber into yarn: you must bring your own wheel, or plan to purchase a new Kromski wheel. Finance is available through payments.
Appointments can be made anytime between Wednesday-Saturday 11-3. for extra personal practice.
Should you decide to purchase a new Kromski wheel you may take advantage of a payment plan.
” QCAR Alpaca Gift Shop now sells Kromski spinning wheels and accessories. We have the whole line of spinning wheels, looms, hand carders, Niddy Noddies and parts available for purchase. Service charges for repairs, if needed on your kromski loom is available by David Wysong
Optional Supplies: niddy noddy, 12 “ruler, tape measure. Kromski niddy noddy available for sale in QCAR alpaca gift shop.
Supplies for knitting: needles to match the yarn weight. Knitting needles by Knit Picks are available for sale at QCAR Alpaca Gift Shop.
Sound like fun?
Here is more….
The 2025 class starts – April 19, 2025
Saturdays Time: 1:00 – 4:00.
We will have 8 session of instruction, here are the meeting dates –
2025 Saturday class descriptions, date to follow soon.
April 19 * first Day of class – meet the alpaca and its fleece, skirting and washing fleece
April 26 *Carding alpaca fleece, alpaca fleece characteristics
May 10* Spinning Lesson #1
May 17 No Class QCAR will be preparing for Shearing Day on May 18, 2025 where the alpacas all get a haircut. Come join us third Sunday in May “Shearing Day”, as a volunteer or spectator.
May 24 *Spinning Lesson #2
May 31 no class Fiber Pals meet, please come join us at QCAR with like minded enthusiasts, bring your spinning wheel and continue making yarn.
June 7* Spinning Lesson #3
June 14 *Dye Demonstration
June 21 * Knitting Lesson – cast on. Start scarf pattern using your own handmade yarn
June 28 *Knitting Lesson – Cast off.
The class cost is $170, if you bring your own spinning wheel
Save $75 off the cost of the class, when you purchase a kromski spinning wheel from QCAR
2025 Supplies you will need:
The class size is very small only 4 participates so please register early. (Click here ). Let me know if you are bringing your own wheel, or want to buy a new Kromski Spinning Wheel.
We are going to meet the alpaca, purchase it’s fleece or at least 8 oz, wash it, dry it, skirt it, tumble it, dye it, spin it into yarn, and finally knit it into a scarf that you can brag about. Made from your own alpaca fleece from start to finish.
Note- May 31, 2025 you are invited to join Fiber Pals, which is the alumni of other “Journey Classes” members, Just to return for fun. Work on and talk about your current project, or future projects. It’s a time to connect with other like minded fiber folks and get ideas or answers to questions.
So to get started sign up for the 2025 waiting list class. You can pay for the whole class now or make a non refundable deposit of $50, Call if you have any questions 717-359-9989, or email
I can’t wait to get started. How about you?
Jacqueline Wilson –
This class is well worth the money! Julie is a teacher who explains things in a way that all can understand, regardless of experience level. Each class built on the skills learned in the previous class resulting in a comprehensive course. It was fun, relaxing, and productive. For me, it was the perfect course that reviewed all the topics of interest to me. In addition, being with the alpaca and learning about them made the experience even better. Highly recommend this series of classes.