Date: Saturday October 1, 2022
Time: 10-3
You are invited to participate
Open Alpaca Ranch
Celebrate Alpaca Fiber to Finished Product
It’s all about the fiber
Saturday, October 1, 2022
10:00 – 3:00
Come join in the fun.
Celebrate Alpaca Fiber to Finished Product
We invite you to bring your fiber projects
sit and knit, spin, weave, needle felt, crochet,
whatever fiber craft project you are working on
come on enjoy
the grounds of Quarry Critters Alpacas,
enjoy the views, enjoy the alpacas, and enjoy each other.
Time Warp,
a multiple sheep to shawl winner,
will be demonstrating at
Quarry Critters Alpaca Ranch
on Saturday QCAR Is offering a one day only discount
of 25% off everything with a price tag
This discount is applied to in-store purchases.
One day only.
Bring your project, chair and your lunch.
See you Saturday.…/events-at-qcar/
(Not included in our 1 day sale: Kromski products or alpacas)
![]() The Alpaca Learning Studio – We have fun and exciting alpaca fiber learning workshops. Check the website for classes and days. When you register and pay, on October 1 for any of the offered QCAR classes your tuition will be reduced by 25%. This discount is for 1 day only. Here are some of the classes coming up this fall: Fiber Processing Classes A beginners guide to alpaca fiber processing Fleece Characteristics And Skirting – Fleece Characteristics And Skirting – What to know to purchase an alpaca fleece and how to get started preparing for processing Skirting and Tumbling Dyeing Alpaca Fibers – Dyeing Alpaca Fibers- Washing and soaking for dyeing Carding and blending – Carding and blending Tease, woolen, worsted, skirting, locks, carders, combs, drum carding hands on with demonstrations, rolags, roving, batts ![]() Spinning– Spinning- using a spinning wheel Bring your spinning wheel or borrow one of mine. Kromski Spinning wheels are available for purchase. If you purchase a spinning wheel from us your class fee is applied to the purchase cost. Classes have been scheduled Click the name of the class for more information and registration. ![]() Spring 2023 “Let’s Grow an Alpaca Scarf” Journey 1 Class is now open. The class will start March 4 on Saturdays 1-4. This class is an eight week semester class. Click on the link above and read all about it along with registration. |

2022 Fiber Collection for NEAFP
We recently opened our ranch as a fiber collection site for NEAFP. We got
the word out and alpaca farms from our local area brought their shearing day alpaca clip. Some folks came as far away as 3 hours. Drop off weights varied from 20# to 350#.
The total we collected was about 1542 lbs of alpaca fiber.
This past Thursday Sean, from NEAFP, drove 8 hours to pick it up.
I had fun meeting so many alpaca folks. Together we saved on shipping.
Fingers crossed, we will be a collection site next year.
This project will get the fiber out of your barn or storage place and allows you to bank it with NEAFP so you can get some beautiful products to sell in your alpaca store or give as gifts.
Thanks to all for the huge success.
Pictures show the collection inside the garage to the truck.